Hello Emil, thank you for the lessons.
I learned the scale with another way. I don’t know if it’s good or not. Can you tell me what do you think about it:
For G major scale, I learned the only one position from G to G in all G notes of the neck. It’s always the same position except from the G string because of the changes between G and B string. ( I also learned it by starting the G note with my little finger.) based on the CAGED system
For a dorian mode, I know that it’s a 3b, 6, 7 so I only change the finger position of my 3 and 7Maj and it’s always the same at all the G notes on the neck.
It’s the same for all the modes. For Lydian I only change my 4th.
It also allows me to know all the notes of the whole sleeve
Do you think it’s another good way to learn that or not?