Awesome! :clap: looking forward to it; och känn lugnet :heart:

Best posts made by Fabs
RE: Your opinion on structuring practice for efficient learning
För kärlekens skull
Thank you! I have gotten so much from your lessons and I'm practicing every day. Really fantastic content and I love your arrangements.
Appropå arrangements.. :) Kanske ej går pågrund av copyright(?) Men skulle annars hemskt gärna se en lektion på ditt arrangement av "För kärlekens skull" och är säker på att det är många fler som vill. Hade glömt hur enastående melodin i den låter är!
Oavsett, tack för att du levererar så bra content här.
RE: Make a lesson on reed it?
@emilernebro thanx, awesome! :clap: :punch:
Make a lesson on reed it?
Hej! Thank you as always for great lessons! Recently practiced alot of how to comp in your jazz-comping style, so fun! Did and learned everything in your fingerstyle jazz comping lesson, your jazz blues bassline tutorial and then figured out how to play your fly me to the moon version by looking and listening on many of you performances on YouTube. Looking forward to fingerstyle jazz comping vol 2 but after I saw your Live from Gothenburg Da capo video again I felt like posting the suggestion of making a tutorial on reed it, as your using alot of jazz comping there.. and that shouldn't be a licensing issue I guess? :) Just an idea, I enjoy all your content so far and I'm looking forward to learn all of it! Hälsningar från ett svinvarmt Stockholm!
Jam with me in Stockholm?
I would derive great joy and musical benefit from having someone to play music with. It's easy to find oneself in a situation where fingerstyle guitar becomes somewhat of a solo pursuit, and the fingerstyle guitar community is rather small. You don't need to be a fingerstyle guitarist or even a guitarist, and I would gladly learn songs from your repertoire, regardless of the genre, to play together. I aspire to become a better musician and improviser, and I truly hope there's a fellow Stockholmer out there who feels the same way and is willing to reach out to me :)
A bit about myself:
I grew up in Stockholm and currently reside in Vasastan. I've been immersed in fingerstyle guitar since 2020 and have been a member of ProGuitar since the summer of the same year. I've learned from many of Emil's lessons and picked up numerous arrangements by Emil. I've also learned arrangements by Tommy Emmanuel, Joe Robinson, and other songs within the fingerpicking repertoire.I also sing and play some country, blues, jazz, and popular music. Sometimes, I post a bit of fingerstyle on my Instagram: you're interested, please respond here or email me at We can play at my place as long as we coordinate when my fiancée is elsewhere :)
Kind regards
Fabian -
Scales to try out
Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciated the "Scales to try out" section in the end of the "Visa Från Utanmyra" - Lesson. Thats an awesome way to end a song-lesson I think! Thanx for all the great content. Super fun! Look forward to more songs! Greetings from Stockholm! /Fabian
Latest posts made by Fabs
Arranging tools?
Hi Emil!
When you arrange do you use any tools like Guitar pro, are you taking notes or are you just remembering as you progress developing as you go with the guitar in hand? I don't remember you talked about this during the lesson on arragning...
Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this!
Thanx! -
Jam with me in Stockholm?
I would derive great joy and musical benefit from having someone to play music with. It's easy to find oneself in a situation where fingerstyle guitar becomes somewhat of a solo pursuit, and the fingerstyle guitar community is rather small. You don't need to be a fingerstyle guitarist or even a guitarist, and I would gladly learn songs from your repertoire, regardless of the genre, to play together. I aspire to become a better musician and improviser, and I truly hope there's a fellow Stockholmer out there who feels the same way and is willing to reach out to me :)
A bit about myself:
I grew up in Stockholm and currently reside in Vasastan. I've been immersed in fingerstyle guitar since 2020 and have been a member of ProGuitar since the summer of the same year. I've learned from many of Emil's lessons and picked up numerous arrangements by Emil. I've also learned arrangements by Tommy Emmanuel, Joe Robinson, and other songs within the fingerpicking repertoire.I also sing and play some country, blues, jazz, and popular music. Sometimes, I post a bit of fingerstyle on my Instagram: you're interested, please respond here or email me at We can play at my place as long as we coordinate when my fiancée is elsewhere :)
Kind regards
Fabian -
Being able to loop parts of video and more playback speeds
Would be very useful to be able to loop parts of a video lesson. TrueFire for example has a function built into their video-player, where you can select an A and a point B and then press a loop botton in order to loop that section of the video. Would also be nice to have more alternative speeds to adjust the video to, especially between 50% and 100%. Now the only speeds under 100% we can choose between is 50% and 75%. But thats a pretty big jumps.
With these two easy changes, if a student is going through for example the lesson "15 jazz lines", in order to practice a line, he can just mark that part of the video and then slow it down to 50% and practice together with the example and then successively increase to 60%, 70% etc. This is convenient and a great way to learn, especially when going through the material for the first time.
Awesome! Looking forward to go through this lesson :). Something I have thought about previously is that it would be really nice to have downloadable good quality audio on the songs / performances your teaching out (for example in flac next to the video/sheet music of the lesson), in this case for you performance on Avalon. It helps tremendously to be able to walk around and listening over and over again to what you're about to learn. There are probably some issues with with either storage or copyright which I am not aware of but this is an upgrade I have thought a couple of times during the years Ive been here. Anyway, psyched as hell to learn this! Trevlig dag!
RE: Make a lesson on reed it?
@emilernebro thanx, awesome! :clap: :punch:
Make a lesson on reed it?
Hej! Thank you as always for great lessons! Recently practiced alot of how to comp in your jazz-comping style, so fun! Did and learned everything in your fingerstyle jazz comping lesson, your jazz blues bassline tutorial and then figured out how to play your fly me to the moon version by looking and listening on many of you performances on YouTube. Looking forward to fingerstyle jazz comping vol 2 but after I saw your Live from Gothenburg Da capo video again I felt like posting the suggestion of making a tutorial on reed it, as your using alot of jazz comping there.. and that shouldn't be a licensing issue I guess? :) Just an idea, I enjoy all your content so far and I'm looking forward to learn all of it! Hälsningar från ett svinvarmt Stockholm!
RE: Your opinion on structuring practice for efficient learning
Awesome! :clap: looking forward to it; och känn lugnet :heart:
Your opinion on structuring practice for efficient learning
Hi, love this site, your arrangements and your way of teaching theory sort of indirectly by presenting examples of playing different styles etc. Really valuable!
Just thought about this idea as I was learning one of your arrangements. What do you think about doing a video where you go through how you think about structuring a practice session for learning new arrangements/chords/scales? How one practice and learns on the guitar becomes very individualized over time of course.. but I think many of us would find it valuable to hear your opinions on the topic (maybe together with example-exercises)... with all your playing-experience. A big topic that could be tackled in many ways.. and it seems like something that really can make a difference over time.
Thanks a lot and take care!