Recently I left my band I was playing in to spend more time at home. Over the last 2 years I've bought a lot of gear for gigs and so forth to make playing electric guitar in a band sound more awesome. Now I'm playing just as much as I ever did at home but not jamming with anyone. I'm finding it harder and harder to pickup an electric guitar and play anything without a drummer or somebody else to play with. More and More I'll stay up stairs and pick a Yamaha guitar I bought real cheap. I just sit on the sofa and run through licks mostly, play a few songs, and make up silly songs for my kids to dance around to (I can't sing well but thats never stopped me in public places or at home)Does anybody else struggle with playing eletric guitar at home when they are away from the band thing? And If you do play Electric guitar how do you get motivated to play when you know your not going to be jamming with anyone for a extended break?
Please help.