Thank you Emil!
I'm playing your fingerstyle blues. Very well arranged. So much fun to play!
Thank you for that.

Best posts made by FlorianFaber
RE: Florian Faber
RE: Music theory
Hi Tho,
that‘s a big topic I guess.
I‘ve studied a lot of theory but all of my books are in german, so that wouldn‘t be helpfull.
First of all you have to answer what‘s your goal?
In my opinion you have to learn at first what is triad and common intervalls.There are a bunch of good tutorials on yt. Go and check out stuff from Jeff Schneider and Aimee Nolte.
On the other hand you can open up a theory thread here on proguitar. While you are learning you can ask specific questions and we can help you to develop a good theory background.
Cheers, Florian
RE: Arranging jazz standards.
Hi Kirill,
what kind of arranging do you mean?
Rhythm playing?
Do you have theory background?I learned Emils walking bass slap chord thing the last weeks.
You can find it here:
Guitar Lesson from Emil Ernebro - Walking Bass Lines Technique – 26:04
— Emil ErnebroHe explains a good way to find walking bass lines combining with chordrhythm. So you can use it on every tune you want.
I tried it on "Swing 42" of Django and "All of me".
So much fun.Cheers, Florian